Samstag, 14. Mai 2011
Rory on the Irish participants at this year's Eurovision Song Contest
Rory asked me to post this in his name.
Thing is, he wrote this at 4am and pretty much pissed out of his mind, so i can't really say if he would STILL want me to post it exactly like he wrote it, which - of course - makes it rather worthwhile for me. ^^
So, here goes:

"Hey Stef, i know i can´t reach the whole world with this mail.
But could you at least tell your facebook followers that today the
14th of may, eurovision song contest day, is one of my darkest days ever. Never have i been so embarrassed or even disturbed, by
what ireland has too offer. So please PLEASE all you rover people
out there, when ye think IRELAND, think Lizzy, Gallagher, Frames,.
or even if you must U2, but never come to me with (shit i don´t know
what they´re called) this euro shite! GOD I`M SOOO ASHAMED, i
almost wish i was english (o: "


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" I almost wish I was english"
No need for Rory to go to extremes, I can assure him that nobody of the roverfolk would even think of associating the irish with crap like that, so tell him to relax! But also I don´t want to be connected abroad with this Lena-chick, so make sure he is telling that to the irish!!!
Fritze ;-)

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Aus gegebenen Anlass:

Die waren auf jeden Fall einer meiner beiden Favoriten. Neben Moldau.

Rory, Ihr hättet es verdient zu gewinnen. Wir haben Tränen gelacht :).

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Mist, und jetzt fehlt mir dann doch wieder der Like-Button. ^^

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